
Pyiso is an open source project maintained by WattTime, a nonprofit that develops software standards to reduce power grid pollution and enable new kinds of clean energy choices.

We’ve spent more than 1000 developer-hours building pyiso, keeping it up-to-date with evolving data sources, and adding features requested by the community. As the foundation of our internal data pipeline, it makes our work easier every day. And we’ve made it free and open source because we want to make open energy data access a bit easier for other researchers, engineers, and citizens too!

Want to chip in and support pyiso? You or your company can make a tax-deductible donation to WattTime here. Every dollar helps us help you! We also have corporate sponsorship opportunities available; get in touch if you’re interested.

Another great way to support pyiso is to send us a quick thank-you note. Your testimonials help us raise money from other folks, so it really does make a difference. Thanks bunches!