Source code for pyiso

import imp
import logging
import os.path
import sys
from os import environ

__version__ = '0.4.0'

# ERROR = 40, WARNING = 30, INFO = 20, DEBUG = 10
LOG_LEVEL = int(environ.get('LOG_LEVEL', logging.INFO))

# logger: create here to only add the handler once!
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)

    'AESO': {'class': 'AESOClient', 'module': 'aeso'},
    'AZPS': {'class': 'SVERIClient', 'module': 'sveri'},
    'BCH': {'class': 'BCHydroClient', 'module': 'bchydro'},
    'BPA': {'class': 'BPAClient', 'module': 'bpa'},
    'CAISO': {'class': 'CAISOClient', 'module': 'caiso'},
    'DEAA': {'class': 'SVERIClient', 'module': 'sveri'},
    'EIA': {'class': 'EIAClient', 'module': 'eia_esod'},
    'ELE': {'class': 'SVERIClient', 'module': 'sveri'},
    'ERCOT': {'class': 'ERCOTClient', 'module': 'ercot'},
    'EU': {'class': 'EUClient', 'module': 'eu'},
    'GRIF': {'class': 'SVERIClient', 'module': 'sveri'},
    'HGMA': {'class': 'SVERIClient', 'module': 'sveri'},
    'IESO': {'class': 'IESOClient', 'module': 'ieso'},
    'IID': {'class': 'SVERIClient', 'module': 'sveri'},
    'ISONE': {'class': 'ISONEClient', 'module': 'isone'},
    'MISO': {'class': 'MISOClient', 'module': 'miso'},
    'NBP': {'class': 'NBPowerClient', 'module': 'nbpower'},
    'NLH': {'class': 'NLHydroClient', 'module': 'nlhydro'},
    'NEVP': {'class': 'NVEnergyClient', 'module': 'nvenergy'},
    'NSP': {'class': 'NSPowerClient', 'module': 'nspower'},
    'NYISO': {'class': 'NYISOClient', 'module': 'nyiso'},
    'PEI': {'class': 'PEIClient', 'module': 'pei'},
    'PJM': {'class': 'PJMClient', 'module': 'pjm'},
    'PNM': {'class': 'SVERIClient', 'module': 'sveri'},
    'SASK': {'class': 'SaskPowerClient', 'module': 'sask'},
    'SPPC': {'class': 'NVEnergyClient', 'module': 'nvenergy'},
    'SRP': {'class': 'SVERIClient', 'module': 'sveri'},
    'TEPC': {'class': 'SVERIClient', 'module': 'sveri'},
    'WALC': {'class': 'SVERIClient', 'module': 'sveri'},
    'YUKON': {'class': 'YukonEnergyClient', 'module': 'yukon'},

[docs]def client_factory(client_name, **kwargs): """Return a client for an external data set""" # set up dir_name = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) error_msg = 'No client found for name %s' % client_name client_key = client_name.upper() # find client try: client_vals = BALANCING_AUTHORITIES[client_key] module_name = client_vals['module'] class_name = client_vals['class'] except KeyError: raise ValueError(error_msg) # find module try: fp, pathname, description = imp.find_module(module_name, [dir_name]) except ImportError: raise ValueError(error_msg) # load try: mod = imp.load_module(module_name, fp, pathname, description) finally: # Since we may exit via an exception, close fp explicitly. if fp: fp.close() # instantiate class try: client_inst = getattr(mod, class_name)(**kwargs) except AttributeError: raise ValueError(error_msg) # set name client_inst.NAME = client_name return client_inst